Contractors discuss the business impacts of Workforce Management

Adopting RIVET has massively increased their Labor Productivity

Taking a modern approach to Workforce Management can increase Labor Productivity. At RIVET, we see this as streamlining the people, processes and technology involved with labor. Digital transformation isn’t top of mind for many contractors, but it can pay dividends.

We asked some of the WFM Champions how they’d rate themselves on their labor productivity, before and after adopting a WFM platform. What types of bottom-line improvements they’ve witnessed. How effective they think they were at making the most of their workforce across all projects.

“Before RIVET, I’d say we were probably 40 percent [efficient],” Blake Behr, President of Ridgeline Electrical Industries said.

After adopting RIVET two years ago, it’s been a different story.

“I’d say we’re closer to 75 – 80 percent,” Behr said.

Dan Zurawik, President of Westphal Electric, has seen similar gains. Using his previous methods, he estimated Westphal was running at 45 to 60 percent efficient.

For the industry at large, double digits like that are something to aspire to. Plenty of contractors would love to get to that point. But construction is hard. Keeping everyone busy while keeping on schedule and on budget with last-century tools like white boards and spreadsheets makes it even harder.

With RIVET, Westphal’s already high numbers went up even further.

“90 percent. I’m just not gonna [say] 100 percent because nothing’s ever perfect,” Zurawik estimated with a laugh.

ContractorBefore %After %
Ridgeline Electrical4075 - 80
Tessier’s Mechanical15 - 2070
Electric Plus2060
Westphal Electric45 - 6090

To see how RIVET can help increase your business’ labor productivity, schedule a demo with us today.

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