Productivity Insights

Having a Labor Plan and a strong Workforce Management business practice improves Productivity.

RIVET Labor Plan with real-time Work in Progress data

Productivity Insights in the RIVET Platform

Labor Plans and Jobs WIP support measuring Labor Productivity and can be used to compare actuals to estimates. Leverage these features by consistently scheduling to the Forecast.

1. Roster Board: Project financials and labor actuals.
  • Quickly access labor stats and active jobs
  • Review Labor Requests from the field in seconds
  • View schedule conflicts, absences and unscheduled workers
2. Jobs: Work in Progress View.
  • Quickly see which jobs are on time and under budget
  • View total scheduled hours vs. estimates
  • Easily see which jobs are in trouble with at-a-glance labor projections
3. Project Labor Plans.
  • Manage scheduled and requested workers against your forecasted resource profile
  • Know when you’ve over-allocated or under-allocated resources based on your plan
  • Hire in advance of the peak, not when you’re struggling to keep up
4. Monitor and Update Labor Plans.
  • Compare your plan against actual hours consumed, as Integrated from your ERP
  • Update projected hours at completion to capture earned value or make up for shortfalls
  • Labor Planning every job ensures you ramp-up and ramp down on schedule, and can anticipate peaks

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