WFM Weekly: Rosters make it easy to see what makes your workforce unique


Having the right person on the right job makes a world of difference. RIVET’s Baseball Cards make it easy to see what makes your workforce unique. Filter by cert status, location, work experience and more.

Spreadsheets vs. 100+ field workers

Once you reach a certain size, the old ways of managing your workforce can’t keep up.

“I just don’t know how you’d [manage] over 100 people with spreadsheets and whiteboards.” – Kyle Sutter, Westphal Electric.


Construction employment gains

Nearly 30,000 contractors found work last month, according to recent U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data analyzed by the Associated Builders and Contractors.

Despite the ongoing labor shortage, nonresidential construction employment went up by 3.8 percent over last year.

We’re hiring!

Do you know someone who thrives building relationships? We’ve got the job for them: Industry Partnerships Manager.

Help us grow our industry partnerships and alliances! Check out all our open positions:

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