
Having an accurate, consolidated Roster in one place is critical for labor management

Workforce Rostering Software

Rostering in the RIVET Platform

RIVET brings your field workforce data online into a powerful Workforce Management system of record. Safety, HR and Scheduling teams come together under one roof for better labor management.

1. Reference Baseball Cards for your field workforce.
  • What makes each person unique: employee info, assignments, skills, experiences, certifications
  • Find the right individual based on their job history and prior work experience
  • Always have the right person on the right job
2. Create a consolidated and complete Roster list for field operations.
  • Access core information populated from company accounting, HR and payroll
  • Filters and sorters help narrow down your workforce
  • Filter by skills, certs, roles and more to find the best employees for the project
3. Manage safety, certs and site compliance.
  • Upload PDFs and JPEGs directly to a worker’s Baseball Card
  • Automated alerts notify you if a cert expires
  • Easily tag and assign your workforce based on their proficiencies
4. Geographic considerations of your workforce.
  • Filter your Roster based on location when bidding jobs and assigning labor
  • Make intentional decisions about who’s assigned where
  • Cut down employee drive time and fuel usage

Rostering Resources

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Construction labor challenges can be greatly reduced with the right software
